Novas Tendências em Transição Energética na Europa:
Fontes de Energia Renováveis, Veículos Elétricos, Redução de Inércia, Microredes e Cidades Inteligentes

Por Gilney Damm, Senior Research Scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at University Gustave Eiffel, at the Laboratoire COSYS-LISIS
Dia 26/08 (sexta-feira), às 10h30,
Local: Anfiteatro Armando Toshio Natsume (SEL-EESC)
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The current energy transition is increasing speed and is creating a series of problems in legacy electric grids. Large issues related to the integration of renewables and electric vehicles have become a reality, either at high and low voltage levels. For example, inertia reduction has created the first black-out in 2019 in the UK, and from there on, has become one of the major concerns of Transmission System Operators all over the world. In the same way, the integration of electric vehicles, which seemed to be a future problem, has become a reality. In Europe, roughly 20% of vehicles sold in 2021 were electric. New regulations impose ALL new vehicles to be electrical in 2035. Their integration and the possibilities it creates are still an open problem.
At the same time, the new technologies in control, computers, and communications have allowed the possibility of SmartGrids which can cope with this new reality. In low voltage as starters, these new SmartGrids can greatly benefit from the transformation cities are going through. Distributed Generation from solar panels, urban wind turbines, and combined heat and power have greatly changed cities from consumers to alternating consumers and producers, also known as prosumers. This new production scheme comes in at the same time as new intermittent, and sometimes controllable, loads/storage represented by bidirectional charging electric vehicles and Smart Buildings. This multiplication of time-varying sources and loads has brought the electric system to extreme strain, and the stabilization of such systems may be a very tough problem. For this reason, it is being considered to split urban power grids into clusters of loads, storage, and sources operating as a single controllable system that provides power to its local area. To attain this goal, it is necessary to also consider energy storage to match this strict power balance.
For high voltage, new power converters, mostly based on MMC technology, have introduced several possibilities for supporting the grid. From virtual inertia to fast frequency response, and support for transient stability, these power converters interfacing offshore power plants, storage, and HVDC links, can represent an important way of keeping the grid.
Finally, the electrification of transportation, in particular trucks, may not rely only on batteries. New possibilities for charging while moving, all along main roads, are under study, and already at the demonstration level. Different solutions compete and are expected that by the 2035 date for new regulations, several roads will be fit with dynamic feeding systems such as induction, electric rail, or catenaries.
Gilney Damm is Senior Research Scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at University Gustave Eiffel, at the Laboratoire COSYS-LISIS. Previously he was Associate Professor at the Paris-Saclay University, CentraleSupelec, France.
He is an Electronics Engineer – Automatic Control from the Rio de Janeiro Federal University – Brazil, and Ph.D. by CentraleSupelec – Paris-Saclay University. His research interests concern nonlinear and adaptive control and observers applied to power systems (SmartGrids, SuperGrid, MicroGrids). His main applications are in the field of large-scale integration of renewable energy and electric vehicles;
Multi-Terminal HVDC systems; Mixed AC/DC MicroGrids; Control of Power Systems and Power Electronics in high and low voltage, AC and DC (transient stabilization, frequency, and voltage stability, synthetic inertia, grid forming converters); synchronization of power networks; energy integration in
SmartCities; Dynamic recharging of electric vehicles (along the road).
He has a large experience as a coordinator or Work-Package Leader in several European and French research projects, in particular the Institutes for Energy Transition SuperGrid (on large-scale high voltage electrical grids), Efficacity (on MicroGrids and SmartCities), and Vedecom (on dynamic inductive charging of electric vehicles). He is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee TC 6.3 Power and Energy Systems since 2015. He is an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Control since 2010 and Energies since 2020.
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